About Us
Welcome to the divine repository of Vedic wisdom.
I am Naveen Joshi, a passionate seeker and scholar of Vedic studies, scriptures, and texts. My journey into the profound depths of ancient wisdom has led me to create this unique space for fellow seekers and enthusiasts.
This website is a dedicated platform where you will find the Sahasranamam—the thousand and eight sacred names—of revered Hindu deities. Each Sahasranamam is a testament to the deity’s powers, virtues, and tales, encapsulating the essence of their divine presence.
We are committed to preserving and sharing this treasure trove of spiritual heritage. The site features Sahasranamams in various languages, including English, Telugu, Hindi, and the original Sanskrit text, allowing accessibility and understanding across diverse linguistic backgrounds.
Join us in this celestial journey as we chant and celebrate the 1008 names of the gods, delving into the heart of Vedic tradition.
sahasranamam.in will surely enable you to learn the divine names of various Gods and grant you moments of bliss, peace and embark you on the journey of inquisitiveness to learn vedic texts.
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